17.3.1877 Galaţi/RO - 1.9.1948 Bucureşti/RO
Dionisie Germani graduated as a civil engineer from the School of Bridges and Roads of Bucharest in 1900, the school he transformed in 1920 to the present National Polytechnic. From 1900 to 1904, he stayed in Belgium and England to practice his interest in various hydraulic projects. From 1910 to 1915, Germani was a Lecturer of hydraulics at his Alma Mater. After war participation, he moved to Paris and there graduated as an electrical engineer in 1919. From 1920 he was a professor of hydraulic engineering at Bucharest Technical University from where he retired in 1946. Germani there served in parallel as Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. He was a Member of the Romanian Scientific Association.
After his stays in Western Europe, Germani was involved in the design and the execution of water supply projects in his country. He thus was responsible for the water supply of the cities of Tulcea, Turnu Măgurele and Bucharest. He also pioneered novel schemes for the hydraulic computation of pipeline networks later improved in the USA. His 1942 book on theoretical and applied hydraulics was one of the first in Romania. Germani also translated a book on acoustics written by Constantinescu. Following his education, Germani had a wide technical knowledge in theoretical mechanics, electricity and theoretical physics in addition to hydraulic engineering. He was fluent in various European languages and contributed also to the history of technology. He died in a communist prison because of his liberal political ideas.
Bařglăzan, M. (2004). Dionisie Germani. Personal communication. P
Germani, D. (1916). Calculul eforturilor in pereţi flexibili marginind o masălichidă. Buletinul Societa Politehnice 32(1/2): 77-103.
Germani, D. (1929). Sur la structure des formules en physique et le sens intime des lois de similitude. Bulletin de Mathématiques et de Physique Pures et Appliquées Bucureşti 1(1): 21-28.
Germani, D. (1931). Similitude en hydrodynamique. Bulletin de Mathématiques et de Physique
Bucureşti 11(2): 87-90.
Germani, D. (1937). Sur le coup de bélier - Construction d'oscillogrammes théoriques. Bulletin de Mathématiques et de Physique Théorique et Appliquée Bucarest 8(1): 27-38. Germani, D. (1942). Hidraulicăteoreticăşi aplicată. Bucureşti.
Ionescu, S.N. (1994). Germani, Dionisie. Who was who in twentieth century Romania: 121.
East European Monographs: Boulder CO.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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