- ROMANIA (see also List of Individuals)\14.5.1926 Bucureşti/RO - 9.10.1978 Bucureşti/RO\Ştefan I. Gheorghiţă graduated from the Bucharest Polytechnic as a mechanical engineer in 1950. He then joined as a faculty member the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics of Bucharest University, where he submitted a PhD thesis in fluid mechanics in 1955 under the tutorship of Caius Iacob (1912-1992). Gheorghiţă then continued as a Reader until 1968, when being appointed applied mechanics professor of his University, thereby being responsible for fluid mechanics and elasticity.\Between 1952 and 1978 Gheorghiţă published some 120 papers in applied mechanics. He thereby became a specialist in groundwater hydraulics with a particular interest in the description of a porous medium from the mathematical point of view. He also contributed to the mixing problems in groundwater hydraulics under unsteady flow conditions. Other topics were the mixed groundwater and free surface flow problems. He applied solution methods including the semi-inverse and the semi-indirect approaches, and the mathematical formulation in a complex domain. His books written between 1957 and 1978 include Porous media, Subterranean hydromechanics, an Introduction on porous flow models and Boundary layer flow theory. He was elected to the Academy of Sciences of the Romanian Socialist Republic, and was an Editorial Board Member of the Romanian Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, and of the Mathematical Forum published in India. He was further awarded the 1966 Gh. Lazăr Premium from the Romanian Academy of Sciences.\Gheorghiţă, Ş.I. (1955). Contribuţii la studiul mişcărilor in medii poroase. Studii şi Cercetari Ştiintifice Matematica 6(3/4): 273-278.Gheorghiţă, Ş.I. (1959). Some nearly rectilinear slow motions of viscous fluids. Bulletin Mathematical Society of Romania 51(3): 283-290 (in Romanian).Gheorghiţă, Ş.I. (1962). On the impact of drops on rigid walls. Buletinul Instituta Politehnic Iaşi Seria 8 12(1/2): 93-96 (in Romanian).Gheorghiţă, Ş.I. (1964). On the non-steady motion of visco-plastic liquids in porous media. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 20(2): 273-280.Gheorghiţă, Ş.I. (1969). Introducere in hidrodinamica corpurilor poroase. Academiei RSR: Bucureşti.Gheorghiţă, Ş.I. (1969). On the plane flow through inhomogeneous porous media of the second type. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Iaşi 19(Section IV, 1-2): 45-51.Iacob, C., Rogai, E. (1979). Prof. Dr. Doc. Ş.I. Gheorghiţă. Gazeta Matematică 84(3): 81-82. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.