- ROMANIA (see also List of Individuals)\14.5.1901 Bucureşti/RO - 20.1.1985 Cluj-Napoca/RO\Dumitru Ionescu started studies of mathematics in 1919 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Bucharest and there continued as an assistant until 1923. He left his country in 1923 for Paris to obtain his PhD degree in 1927 from Ecole Normale Supérieure. He then returned to Cluj in Romania and became a Member of the Mathematical Faculty, and later was elected Member of the Romanian Society of Mathematics. Ionescu was appointed associate professor of applied mathematics in 1934, promoted to professor in 1964 and there remained until retirement in 1971. He was awarded the 1963 Prize from the Romanian Ministry of Education, and was the recipient of the Order of Merit from the People's Republic of Romania in 1966.\Ionescu was a scientist working in applied mathematics and mechanics. He was particularly interested in methods of integration of the basic equations of fluid mechanics, including the Navier-Stokes and the Volterra equations, or equations describing thermal flow in mechanical engineering. Besides research in applied mathematics, Ionescu worked also in rational mechanics and in the mechanics of fluid flow. His main contribution to hydromechanics was the development of numerical methods that allowed integration of the basic flow equations, such as those of boundary layers. He published his main results both in books and in Romanian mathematical journals.\Ionescu, D.V. (1953). L'intégration d'une équation aux derivées partielles qui intervient dans le problème du calcul des tensions thermiques dans les tubes bouilleurs des chaudières au passage forcé et des chaudières à radiation. Studii şi Cercetări Cluj 4(1/2): 73-78.Ionescu, D.V. (1953). Curs de matematici speciale. Universitate: Cluj. Ionescu, D.V. (1961). Numerische Integration der Integralgleichungen vom Typ Volterra. Studii şi Cercetări Meccanica Aplicata 12: 173-185 (in Romanian, with French Summary).Ionescu, S.N. (1994). Ionescu, Dumitru. Who was who in 20th century Romania: 149. East European Monographs: Boulder CO.Micula, G. (1981). Prof. em. D.V. Ionescu la implinirea virstei de 80 de ani. Gazeta Matematică86(6): 225-226. PMicula, G. (1985). Prof. Em. D.V. Ionescu. Gazeta Matematică 90(7): 225-227. PPoggendorff, J.C. (1971). Ionescu, V. Dumitru. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 6: 1195-1196; 7b: 2164-2167; 8: 1579. Akademie-Verlag: Berlin, with bibliography.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.