.. 1920 Rămnicul Sărat/RO - 5.3.2005 Bucureşti/RO
Teodor Oroveanu graduated in 1949 as mechanical-electrical engineer from the Bucharest Polytechnic. He lectured there fluid mechanics from 1967 and was appointed professor of petrol and gas dynamics in 1970. Oroveanu was transferred from 1971 to 1984 to Ploieşti University as hydraulics professor. During these years he also lectured at the Universities of Baku, Freiburg, Moscow, Paris and Toulouse. He was elected Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy of Sciences in 2002. Oroveanu also was awarded the Aurel Vlaicu Premium in 1965 and was a foreign Member of universities in France and in Germany.
Oroveanu was an expert in fluid mechanics. He took interest in the diffusion of fluid jets, the mixing of fluids and the transport of both petrol and gas. Besides theoretical work, he was also involved in Romanian projects, given the richness in oil resources of his country. He thus collaborated with large oil furnishers and designed collector and distributor schemes for industrial oil and gas hauling and supply. Following these integral activities, a number of books resulted, such as on fluid mechanics, Porous fluid flow, and Collection, transportation, deposition of petrolium. Oroveanu was particularly known for his work in the hydraulic design of modern petrol works and counted among the experts in the former Eastern Europe.
Carafoli, E., Oroveanu, T. (1955). Mecanica fluidelor. Academiei: Bucureşti.
Oroveanu, T., Pascal, H. (1958). The propagation of pressure waves in a liquid flowing through a porous medium. East Orange: New Jersey.
Oroveanu, T. (1963). Flow of fluids through non-homogeneous porous media. Academiei Populare Romîne: Bucureşti (in Romanian).
Oroveanu, T. (1966). Flow of multiphase fluids through porous media. Academiei Republicii Socialiste România: Bucureşti (in Romanian).
Oroveanu, T. (1967). Mecanica fluidelor vascoase. Academiei: Bucureşti.
Oroveanu, T., Spulber, I. (1968). L'écoulement à surface libre avec symétrie radiale dans un milieu poreux faiblement non homogène. 11 Convegno di Idraulica Cagliari: 159-162.
Oroveanu, T. (1969). L'effet de l'inertie sur l'écoulement des liquides compressibles dans les milieux poreux. Fluid dynamics Transactions 4: 767-772. Pergamon: Oxford. http://www.acad.ro/commem/pag_memoriam00.htm

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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