31.5.1900 Sebesul/RO - 6.7.1979 Bucureşti/RO
Dorin Pavel graduated as a mechanical engineer from Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH Zurich in 1923 and continued there as an assistant of Franz Prasil (1857-1929). He obtained the title Doctor of technical sciences there in 1925. After having returned to Romania, he first collaborated with a mechanical design office to be appointed in 1940 professor of hydraulic engineering at the Polytechnic of Bucharest. In the end of the 1960s he was awarded the Scientific Merit title from his university. A bust of Pavel was erected in the hydropower plant of Sebes and a commemoration was organized in Lancram in 1994-60 years after his hydropower potential book was published.
Pavel's first scientific work was an account of the flow pattern across racks and an extension to hydraulic machinery. His 1937 paper relates to orifice flow from a tank. This basic hydraulic problem had been considered for centuries and Pavel derived a simple solution which compared well with observations for the sharp-crested orifice of rectangular and of circular cross-sectional shape. In the 1930s, he conducted work in water resources relating to the General plan of hydropower potential of Romania. After World War II, Pavel and colleagues from Yugoslavia realized one of the largest hydropower schemes in Europe, on Danube River at the Iron Gate, with 2,200 MW. Pavel may be considered the most famous hydraulic engineer from Romania. He had both contributed to the design of dams and to the education of young engineers during a long academic career. The Hydraulic Institute of the Polytechnic in Bucharest organized in 2000 the centennial commemoration of Pavel's birth with a special symposium.
Pavel, D. (1925). Ebene Potential-Strömungen durch Gitter und Kreiselräder. Dissertation 393.
ETH: Zürich.
Pavel, D. (1927). Râul Sebeş din punct de vedere al amenajarii energiei hidralice. Institutul national român pentru studiul amenjarii si folosirii izvoarelor de energie: Bucureşti.
Pavel, D. (1929). The available hydropower resources in Romania. Institutul National Român: Bucureşti (in Romanian).
Pavel, D. (1933). Plan général d'aménagement des forces hydrauliques en Roumanie. Bucharest. Pavel, D. (1937). Abflusserscheinungen bei scharfkantigen Öffnungen. Bulletin de Mathématiques et de Physiques Pures et Appliquées Bucarest 8: 158-167. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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