- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\15.2.1929 Yartsevo/RU - 5.1.1999 Saint Petersburg/RU\Grigory Zinovevich Gershuni was born in the Smolenskaya Oblast. During World War II, his family moved to the Perm Oblast, and it was there where he made studies in physics and mathematics. After graduation from the Perm State University in 1949, Gershuni made an academic career in theoretical physics, from assistant to professor. He gained a PhD title and was later also a doctor of sciences. Gershuni was in addition the Editor of the journal Hydrodynamics published from the Perm University.\Gershuni's work in hydrodynamics covered in particular the problem of convective stability and the equilibrium and the motion of unevenly heated liquids. He there was at the forefront to re-investigate the instability described first by Lord Rayleigh (1842-1919). At Perm University, Gershuni erected a Laboratory for studying problems in fluid convection that had a reputation all over the Soviet Union. The school was further noted nationwide for the regularly organized research conferences during 37 years chaired by Gershuni. The basic results of these studies are published in three review monographs. Besides, Gershuni has published over 200 technical papers in Soviet and later Russian research journals.\Gershuni, G.Z., Zhukhovitsky, E.M. (1961). The stability of equilibrium of fluid motion within a horizontal cylinder heated from below. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Moscow 25(6): 1551-1558.Gershuni, G.Z., Zhukhovitsky, E.M., Yakimov, A.A. (1973). Two kinds of instability of steady convective motion generated by internal heat sources. Soviet Journal of Applied Mechanics 37: 564-569.Gershuni, G.Z., Zukhovitsky, E.M., Yakimov, A.A. (1974). On the stability of plane-parallel convective motion due to internal heat sources. Intl. Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 17(7): 717-726.Gershuni, G.Z., Zhukhovitsky, E.M. (1976). Convective instability of incompressible fluids.Israel Program for scientific translations: Jerusalem.Gershuni, G.Z., Zhukovitsky, E.M., Nepomnyashchy, A.A. (1989). Stability of convective flows.Nauka: Moscow (in Russian).Gershuni, G.Z., Lyubimov, D.V. (1998). Thermal vibrational convection. Wiley: Chichester. http://www.worldlingo.com/SH0gfCf2o9dN_nRX17ZfV3UB2wIlh5Wes/translate P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.