- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\3.2.1898 Starodub/RU - 25.8.1956 Moscow/RU\Nikolai Konstantinovich Girinsky was born in the Kostroma District of Russia. He graduated as a civil engineer in 1925 from the Agricultural Academy named after Timiriazev TSHA. From 1927 to 1940 Girinsky there was a Lecturer and submitted his PhD thesis, and then headed from 1940 to 1956 the groundwater dynamics department of the Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology VSEGINGEO, Moscow.\After Girinsky had defended his post-doctoral thesis he was lecturing at the Agricultural Academy and later in the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering and Melioration. He thereby founded the hydrodynamic theory of underground currents including its application to public water supply techniques, hydraulic structures and the mining industry. Girinsky also participated in hydrogeological research expeditions in the Karakorum Region and then was involved in the design of the Main Turkmen Channel for irrigation purposes. During another expedition, he and his colleagues predicted the discharge characteristics in the mines of the Kursk Magnet-Anomaly, the largest known iron mine in Eastern Ukraine. Several formulas allowing for the indirect computation of the permeability parameters have been named after Girinsky. He is remembered as an expert of groundwater hydraulics of Karst regions, where the standard flow equations do not apply.\Anonymous (2002) Girinsky, Nikolai Konstantinovich. PGirinsky, N.K. (1936). Fundamentals of the groundwater flow theory. Gidrotehnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo 5(6). (in Russian).Girinsky, N.K. (1941). Groundwater computations under hydraulic structures in inhomogeneous soil conditions. Gostroyzdat: Moscow (in Russian).Girinsky, N.K. (1947). Some questions of groundwater dynamics. Gidrogeologija i Inzhenernaja Geologija 9: 27-32 (in Russian).Girinsky, N.K. (1950). Determination of permeability using data of unsteady discharge and level descent. Gosgeolizdat: Moscow.USSR National Committee on Irrigation and Drainage (1985). History of irrigation, drainage, flood control and river engineering. International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage ICID: New Delhi.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.