12.4.1916 Petrograd/RU - 31.5.1996 Leningrad/RU
Natalia Borisovna Isachenko graduated from the Hydraulic Engineering Faculty of the Leningrad M.I. Kalinin Politechnic Institute LPI in 1938. She then joined the Central Scientific Research Institute of Timber Rafting CNIIL until 1942, to become then a senior technician and a chief of a planning section for the Number 7 Chelyabmetallurgstroya of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the next two years. She was until 1947 a junior hydraulic researcher at VNIIG, Leningrad and made post-graduate studies at LPI, from where she gained the PhD title in 1950. She then joined VNIIG again, as a senior engineer until 1952, and as a senior researcher until 1971.
The expert fields of Isachenko were hydraulics and hydraulic engineering related to hydroand thermal power plants. Her particular interests were in air-water high-speed flows as occur in spillways. The effect of wastewater aeration on the biological sludge performance were also investigated. Her research results found application in the design of the Russian hydropower plants Cheboksarsky, Kamsky, Kahovsky, Uch- Kurganskogo and Sayano-Shushensky. She authored a number of papers published in the Russian journals VNIIG-News, Hydraulic Engineering Construction, and the English written Hydraulic Construction. Her papers were also related to the understanding and the design of ski-jump structures, an effective means to dissipate excess hydraulic energy downstream of high-head dams. Other work in collaboration of Fedor Grigor'evich Gunko (1911-1990) was directed toward a better performance of stilling basins.
Gunko, F.G., Burkov, A.F., Isachenko, N.B., Rubinstein, G.L., Soloviova, A.G., Yuditsky, G.A. (1965). Research on the hydraulic regime and local scour of river bed below spillways of high-head dams. 11 IAHR Congress Leningrad 1(50): 1-14.
Isachenko, N.B., Chanishvili, A.G. (1968). Distortion of a jet diverted by a flip bucket. Izvestiya Vsesoyuznogo 87: 242-251.
Isachenko, N.B., Chanishvili, A.G. (1969). Research into distortion of jets rejected by the flipbucket. Izvestiya VNIIG 87: 242-251.
Isachenko, N.B., Shveinstein, A.M. (1972). Comparison of measurement data from two models constructed to different scales. Izvestiya VNIIG 98: 170-173.
Melua, A.I. (2001). N.B. Isachenko. Energetics of Russia: 99. Humanistica: Moscow (in Russian). P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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