3.1.1926/RU - 15.3.1991 Moscow/RU
Petr Leontevich Ivanov graduated in 1948 from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute LPI. In 1968 he founded the Department of Underground Structures of LPI, USSR's first research laboratory specialized in soil mechanics and stability of tailings dams, where a series of detailed investigations on the properties of mining wastes and methods of storage in seismic regions were performed. Ivanov was a professor of foundation techniques at LPI and an honored scientist and engineer. He was awarded the Prize of the USSR Council of Ministers in 1984 and later the Order of the Red Banner for his services towards the development of hydraulic engineering in the Soviet Union.
Ivanov was an expert in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering, besides having developed the theory of consolidation of non-cohesive soils under dynamic loads. Applications involved the failure of a structure subjected along with liquefaction and compaction if seismic load is applied. He was also active for the Volga Lenin hydroelectric power plants, in addition to having been a consultant for the Shulba, the Krasnoyarsk and the Kapchagai plants. Using his approach the construction time of a number of large works was significantly shortened along with financial savings. Ivanov was also an initiator of numerous large investigations of national importance. He directed for more than 20 years the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Hydropower at LPI. In addition he was a Member of the Bureau of the hydraulic engineering section of the All-Union Scientific Technical Society of Power Engineers, and a Member of the Presidium of the National Committee on Soil Mechanics. His 1985 book remains a standard reference of the topic.
Anonymous (1991). Petr Leontevich Ivanov. Hydrotechnical Construction 25(7): 453-454. P Ivanov, P.L. (1985). Soils and foundations of hydraulic structures. Leningrad (in Russian). Ivanov, P.L., Golli, A.V., Gorelik, L.S., Pirogov, I.A., Kislyakov, A.A., Shashkin, A.G. (1989).
Field studies of the behaviour of weak silt-clay soils of dam foundations for purposes of controlling their consolidation process. In Use of field observations for improving foundation designing and surveying under weak soil conditions. Leningrad (in Russian).
Ivanov, P.L. (1991). Soils and foundations. Soil Mechanics. Vysshaya Shkola: Moscow (in Russian).
Melua, A.I. (2001). Ivanov, Petr Leontevich. Energetics of Russia: 162-163. Humanistica: Moscow, Saint Petersburg (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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