27.9.1908 Ketovo/RU - 5.3.1959 Leningrad/RU
Dmitri Ivanovich Kumin originated from the Nijegorodskaya region along Volga River. He graduated as a civil engineer from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1930 and obtained the title of Doctor of Technical Sciences there in 1958. From 1933 to 1959, Kumin was a research engineer at the Leningrad All-Russian Research Institute for Hydraulic Engineering VNIIG and also was in charge at the Leningrad Naval Institute. He headed the laboratory tests of the Krasnopolyanskaya, the Buhtarminskaya, the Novosibirskaya and the Krasnoyarskaya dam projects.
Kumin was an expert in hydraulic engineering, in dam engineering, in river engineering and was known for contributions to turbulence investigations and to hydraulic modeling. In 1938, he was one of the first working on sediment transport in conduits, a problem that is currently not yet solved and that is of interest for example in sewers, where pipes may clog due to sediment deposition in relatively flat reaches. In the late 1940s, Kumin took interest in energy dissipation as used in hydraulic engineering. He thus investigated abruptly expanding channels that are known for large energy dissipation yet also for a tendency to unstable flow generation. Another paper of this time investigates means to deaerate energy dissipaters located in a tunnel spillway. His 1955 paper added to the turbulence production and energy dissipation in stilling basins as used in some of the projects previously cited. The effect of turbulence generation on scour downstream of energy dissipators was investigated in 1959. Kumin authored various books, among which the 1956 work is also related to hydraulic engineering.
Kumin, D.I. (1938). Transportation of bed load along the bottom of pressure conduits. Izvestiya VNIIG 22: 206-230 (in Russian, with English summary).
Kumin, D.I. (1950). Surface roller of hydraulic jumps and energy dissipation. Izvestiya VNIIG
40: 89-104 (in Russian).
Kumin, D.I. (1955). Turbulence and energy dissipation in the water level conjugation. Izvestiya VNIIG 55: 7-36 (in Russian).
Kumin, D.I. (1956). Hydraulic design of the overflow downstream floors. Gosenergoizdat: Moscow (in Russian).
Kumin, D.I. (1959). Effect of large-scale turbulent mixing on bed load discharge. 8 IAHR Congress Montreal 4(13): 1-3.
Melua, A.I. (2001). Kumin, Dmitri Ivanovich. Power engineering specialists of Russia: 210.
VNIIG: Saint Petersburg. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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