22.10.1890/RU - 13.8.1962 Moscow/RU
Dmitry Yakovlevich Sokolov graduated from the Saint Petersburg Polytechnic Institute in 1916. Until 1919 he was with the Kondopojskaya hydropower scheme and then continued until 1925 with the design of other large water complexes in the USSR. He started with a scientific career in 1925 by founding the Central-Asian Scientific Institute of Irrigation SANRIIRI in Tashkent. Later he initiated the chair of Water Supply of the Moscow Institute of Water Management where he stayed until retirement. Sokolov received the Order of Lenin, the Order of Honor Sign and various Medals for his professional services towards the Soviet Union.
During his stay in Central Asia, Sokolov designed a number of water intakes for both water supply and irrigation. He thereby realized the governing principles underlying all intake flows. As earlier observed already in Germany, intake structures are almost free from solid matter if they are arranged along the outer bank of a river bend and undergo the secondary flow movement set up in curve flow. The secondary current carries the sediment towards the inner curve shore where it may settle, depending on the velocity intensity and the bend geometry. Contrary to common believe, an intake structure may thus be designed based on a purely hydraulic characteristic. A large number of intakes had to be rearranged to respond to simple intake principles. Sokolov was thus involved in the complex intake structure of the Kara-Cum scheme. Later, he was also involved in the hydro complexes of Kahovka, Saratov, Irkutsk and Cheboksary.
Anonymous (1962). Dmitry Yakovlevich Sokolov. Gidrotechnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo 32(10): 62. P
Sokolov, D.Y. (1934). Hydraulischer Erdtransport. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 29(10): 109-113.
Sokolov, D.Y. (1935). Computation of flow regime in artificial channels. Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo 5(1): 28-30 (in Russian).
Sokolov, D.Y. (1936). Berechnung der Verluste im Verbindungsteil zwischen breiter Entnahme-Stelle und einem schrägen Kanal. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 31(4): 43-45.
Sokolov, D.Y. (1936). Untersuchungen über den Entnahmewinkel. Wasserkraft und Wasserwirtschaft 31(12): 145-149.
Sokolov, D.Y. (1939). Water intake construction for hydropower installations and irrigation purposes. XXX
Sokolov, D.Y. (1945). Settling basins for hydropower and irrigation schemes. Selkhoz: Moscow.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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