.. 1903/RU - 6.5.1964 Saint Petersburg/RU
Vsevolod Arkadievich Sokolov graduated in 1928 as a civil engineer from the Hydrotechnical Faculty of the Timiryasiev Moscow Agriculture Academy. He was then involved in hydraulic works of the Ulbinsk hydropower station in Altay, and on Irtysh River in Kazakhstan until 1931. For the following five years Sokolov collaborated for other dam projects and from then was an hydraulics expert with Glavhidroenergostroy, the national consultant for hydropower projects. He was awarded a number of Medals and Orders for his services towards the Soviet Union for developing hydropower schemes of national importance. Sokolov passed away at age 61 because of health problems.
As a vice chief engineer and the chief of the Technical Department of the Main Hydro-Energy Building Organization Glavhidroenergostroy, Sokolov was involved in a number of key structures of hydraulic engineering. These refer to the river hydropower stations of Krasnoyarsk, Nurek and Buktarma as also to the dam projects of Gorky, Mamakan, and Bratsk. Nurek Dam is one of the highest dam structures worldwide located on the Vakhsh River in Tajikistan near the border to Afghanistan. The 300 m high earth-fill dam with a 16 m deep impervious core below the original river elevation was completed in 1980 and has a design capacity of 2,700 MW. The Bratsk Dam is located on River Angara in Central Siberia, the major tributary of the Yenisei River. A chain of dams was built in the 1960s to develop the industry of the Irkutsk region. The Bratsk Dam was completed in 1964 as a gravity earth-fill dam of 125 m height and 4,420 m width impounding an immense reservoir. Sokolov was also involved in dam engineering of the Republics of Georgia, of Armenia, the Kolsky Peninsula in Siberia and on Dniepr River close to Kiev in Ukraine. Most of his papers describe the hydraulic structures in which he was involved. He may be counted among the active dam engineers from World War II until the early 1960s, therefore.
Anonymous (1964). Vsevolod Arkadievich Sokolov. Gidrotechnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo 34(7): 61 (in Russian). P
Sokolov, V.A. (1955). The pioneer damming of the Naryn River at the Uch Kurganskaya HPS. Leningrad (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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