19.3.1900 Spasskoe/RU - 14.5.1955 Leningrad/RU
Aleksei Petrovich Zegzhda graduated in 1929 from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute LPI as a civil engineer, there submitted in 1937 a PhD thesis and gained the PhD in 1940. He then was a professor of hydraulic engineering. In parallel Zegzhda headed the hydraulics laboratory of the Leningrad Naval Research Institute from 1934 to 1948. He was also a scientific collaborator of the Leningrad Hydraulic Laboratory VNIIG from 1931 to 1941 directing it from 1941 to 1942. He joined the VNIIG branch laboratory, Chirchik during the German occupation. Zegzhda directed from 1947 the VNIIG Industrial Hydraulics and Hydromechanics Laboratory, during which time he lectured in hydraulics, theoretical mechanics, theory of similitude and hydraulic modeling. He passed away due to a serious illness.
Zegzhda started working in melioration techniques while being a student in Leningrad. His first scientific results were directed towards the fall of a sphere in a stagnant fluid. When collaborating later with Mikhail Andreevich Velikanov (1879-1964), Zegzhda took interest in turbulent flows. He contributed to the roughness effect in fluvial hydraulics and investigated uniform flow in conduits and channels. A large data set was published in his book shortly before passing away. Zegzhda thereby accounted for the data of Johann Nikuradse (1894-1979) collected at Göttingen University, Germany. His book was widely used in the former Soviet Union. Zegzhda was also involved in the design of hydropower stations including Nizhne-Svirskiy, Kuybishev and Volgograd. He was awarded in 1955 the Premium for Outstanding Workers by the Energy Ministry and the Medal for the defense of Leningrad during World War II.
Anonymous (1955). Aleksei Petrovich Zegzhda. Izvestiya VNIIG 54: 231-232 (in Russian). P
Melua, A.I. (2001). Zegzhda, Aleksei Petrovich. Power engineering specialists of Russia: 154-
155. VNIIG: Saint Petersburg. P
Zegzhda, A.P. (1932). About the formula for hydraulic design of wooden pipe lines working under pressure. Izvestiya VNIIG 8: 30-31.
Zegzhda, A.P., Stanevich, E.N. (1933). Hydrotechnical Laboratories 3 and 4. Description of labs of the State Scientific Research Institute of Hydrotechnics and the Leningrad High School of Hydrotechnics: 159-164, I.V. Egiazarov, ed. Leningrad (in Russian).
Zegzhda, A.P. (1934). Falling of sand grains in calm water. Izvestiya VNIIG 12: 52-54. Zegzhda, A.P. (1938). Theory of similitude and the methods of hydro engineering model design. Gosstroiizdat: Moscow, Leningrad (in Russian).

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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