30.11.1900 Madrid/E -.. 1977/E
Enrique Becerril graduated as a civil engineer in 1925. He was interested in dams and involved in the design of the 67 m high Alloz arch Dam, completed in 1930 on the Salado River. He then joined various groups designing hydro-power installations located on the Tajo River. Many of the dams were a fruit of creativity and presented elegant engineering solutions. Becerril, dam builder, lecturer and researcher, was in the forefront of his generation of Spanish engineers. From 1932 he acted also as the Secretary of the Madrid Civil Engineering School, there became a professor of hydrology and hydraulics, and directed its hydraulic laboratory.
A number of Iberian dams were designed by Becerril. The most important is the Riofrio Dam on Cauca River. A number of Spanish dams were checked in his hydraulic laboratory with particular relation to spillway and outlet structures. His 1946 book relates to the river regulation schemes adopted during his era. It was awarded with the Alfonso X el Sable Prize. The book published in 1951 is a general account on the design and the construction of intake structures, one of the important elements of all hydropower plants. Another monograph on general hydromechanics was presented in 1960. After retirement Becerril continued as an honorary professor at his School. He was closely related all through his career with the International Commission on Large Dams ICOLD.
Anonymous (1977). Excmo. Sr. D. Enrique Becerril y Anton-Miralles. Revista de Obras Públicas 125(5): 468. P
Becerril, E. (1946). La regulación de los ríos. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas: Madrid.
Becerril, E. (1951). Consideraciones fundamentales en el proyecto y construcción de presas.
Instituto tecnico de la Construcción y del Cemento: Madrid.
Becerril, E. (1955). Commentaires sur quelques barrages modernes en Espagne. 5 ICOLD Congress Paris C(35): 1283-1306.
Becerril, E. (1960). Hidromecánica. Dossat: Madrid.
Castro-Orgaz, O. (2007). Enrique Becerril y Anton-Miralles. Personal communication.
Pardo, M.L. (1925). La conquista del Ebro: Posibilidades hidráulicas de la région aragonesa.
Sáenz Ridruejo, F. (2006). Dam engineers in Spain. Dams in Spain: 421. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos: Madrid. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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