- SPAIN (see also List of Individuals)\11.1.1875 Madrid/E - 6.5.1941 Madrid/E\Eduardo Fungairiño y Fernández-Campá was a son of the naturalist Eduardo Fungairiño de la Peña. He graduated as civil engineer from Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Madrid to join in 1900 the Spanish Corps of Civil Engineers. He was stationed in the Orense Province in the West of Spain and returned to the Central Laboratory of the Corps. In 1906, he moved to Tenerife Port where he was occupied with flood protection works. In 1908, Fungairiño made similar works in the Spanish Levante and developed into an expert of hydraulics. He passed on later to Canal de Castilla and the irrigation works of Manzanares. In 1922, Fungairiño was appointed technical director of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero and later joined the General Direction of Hydraulic Works in Spain, where he was also involved in the Canal de Isabel II. He was one of the experts after the Gleno Dam catastrophe of Italy in 1924. In the 1930s, he acted as the Spanish vice-head of the International Commission of Navigation Congresses PIANC. During the Spanish Civil War, Fungairiño lost three of his children, and he passed away shortly later.\The Canal de Castilla constitutes a major engineering work realized between the mid-18th and the mid-19th centuries. Its plan looks Y-shaped, and its total length is more than 200 km between the locations Alar del Rey in Palencia and Valladolid, north of the capital. The original canal concept was to connect the Cantabria with the Segovia Regions. However, once railways were developed throughout the country, this canal as many others were not further considered important enough as an infrastructural need.\Anonymous (1941). Excmo. Sr. Fungairiño. Revista de Obras Públicas 89(2714): 254. Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero (2008). Eduardo Fungairiño. El Duero y su Cuenca, frontispiece. [Forth from left of front row during 1927 Board Meeting].Fungairiño Fernández, E. (1919). Encauzamiento y saneamiento del Río Manzanares. Revista de Obras Públicas 63(2051): 13-19; 67(2268): 121-127.Fungairiño Fernández, E. (1924). Rotura de la presa del Gleno. Revista de Obras Públicas72(2638): 133-141.Fungairiño Fernández, E. (1925). El canal de Castilla. Revista de Obras Públicas 73(2434): 342-346; 73(2435): 365-367.Fungairiño Fernández, E. (1926). Presas móviles automáticas en el Río Manzanares. Revista de Obras Públicas 74(2449): 133-141.Fungairiño, L.G. (2008). Eduardo Fungairiño. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.