- SPAIN (see also List of Individuals)\23.4.1870 Jerez de la Frontera/E - 3.11.1958 Madrid/E\Pedro Miguel González Quijano graduated as a civil engineer from Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Madrid in 1894. Apart from hydrology, he was a distinguished mathematician. He was also a notable hydraulician and added to water the resources of his country and of the then Spanish Morocco. He was instrumental in hydro-power resource planning, consisting in 1902 of more than 250 projects. Today, Spain is the country with the main activities in dam engineering, guided by the CEDEX National Authorities in Madrid. The future may lead to a further important water plan, given the large expectations in water supply from both tourism and agriculture.\The most important civil engineering work of González was the Guadalcacín Dam for irrigation in the Cadiz province. He was there involved in the design from 1907 to 1917. The scheme involves also two reinforced concrete inverted siphons where the supply pipeline crosses the Guadalete and the Majaceite Rivers. González promoted also the Spanish irrigation congresses starting with the Zaragoza congress in 1913. He was from 1924 a professor of hydrology at the Civil Engineering School of Madrid and became a Member of the Royal Science Academy. González represented his country at the founding meeting of the International Committee of Large Dams ICOLD, in 1933 at Stockholm, and later was the first chairman of Spain in this organization. His main work is the hydrology book published in 1918.\Gil Saurí, M.A. (2006). Pedro Miguel González-Quijano. Personal communication. P González Quijano, P.M. (1918). Hidrología general agrícola. Espasa-Calpe: Madrid. González Quijano, P.M. (1932). Avance para una evaluación de la energía hidráulica en España. Ministerio de Fomento. Consejo de la Energía: Madrid.González Quijano, P.M. (1942). La política hidráulica en Marruecos. Aguirre: Madrid. González Quijano, P.M. (1946). Mapa pluviométrico de España. Consejo Superior: Madrid. González Quijano, P.M. (1960). Breve reseña histórica de los regadíos en España. 4 ICID Congress Madrid.Pardo, M.L. (1896). Elzeario Boix Llobertas. Revista de Obras Públicas 43(6): 57-59.Pardo, M.L. (1925). La conquista del Ebro: Posibilidades hidráulicas de la région aragonesa.Zaragoza.Sáenz Ridruejo, F. (2006). Dam engineers in Spain. Dams in Spain: 416. Colegio de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos: Madrid. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.