21.12.1871 Neuchâtel/CH - 10.7.1947 Genève/CH
Charles Borel graduated as a civil engineer from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich in 1891. After some years as a practicing engineer, he became city engineer of Neuchâtel and from 1914 was a private consultant there. In 1920, he moved to Geneva as a consultant. During his career, Borel developed the floating caisson technique for deep-water foundations. During his stay in Neuchâtel, Borel also was a Lecturer in applied mechanics at Neuchâtel University. In addition, he was active in the public works sector and was a city councilor of both Neuchâtel and Geneva.
Borel was a founding member of the Rhone-Rhine Navigation Association, whose main purpose was to connect the two rivers from the Lake Geneva to Lake Neuchâtel. His 1927 booklet took up this project which was previously initiated in the 16th century with the Canal d'Entreroche, a navigation canal between the Orbe River plain and Eclépens close to Lausanne. The final purpose of this ambitious project was to interconnect the Mediterranean with the North Sea by Lake Neuchâtel and the Aare River. Works were initiated over 13 km but never completed because a large number of locks would have been necessary for the elevation difference of some 60 m. Similar conditions in France demonstrated that such a canal would be outdated in the 20th century, once railways connected the two regions, in addition to the then existing Swiss harbor in Basel on Rhine River, by which an indirect access to the sea was available. Further, the French had started from 1900 to use River Rhone extensively for hydropower purposes, a complication with the erection of an inland waterway. The Rhone-Rhine Canal was definitely abandoned after World War II yet Borel had considerably contributed to the inland navigation in Switzerland. He was for years the editor of the journal Des Canaux - des Bataux in which aspects of river navigation were mainly discussed.
Borel, C. (1921). Etude sur les variations de densité de l'air atmosphérique. Sadag: Paris. Borel, C. (1927). Der schweizerische Binnenkanal zwischen der Rhone und dem Rhein.
Schweizerischer Rhone-Rhein-Schiffahrtsverband: Lausanne; also translated in French. Borel, C. (1941). La Suisse et la navigation fluviale. Steffen: Genève.
Borel, C. (1942). Nos barrages en Suisse romande. Kundig: Genève.
Borel, C. (1943). La navigation intérieure et fluviale européenne. Delachaux: Neuchâtel. Studer, A. (1947). Charles Borel, ingénieur. Rhône-Rhin 34(3): 17-18. P

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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  • BOREL (É.) — Grand mathématicien, mais aussi homme politique et philosophe, Émile Borel laisse une œuvre scientifique très variée. Son talent s’exprime dans l’art d’ouvrir des voies nouvelles, d’y faire des premiers pas, assez importants pour attirer… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Borel — may refer to: * Émile Borel (1871–1956), a French mathematician * Armand Borel (1923–2003), a Swiss mathematician * Jacques Borel, a French novelist * Gabriel Borel, a French aircraft designer * Borel algebra, operating on Borel sets, named after …   Wikipedia

  • BOREL (P.) — BOREL PIERRE JOSEPH D’HAUTERIVE dit PÉTRUS (1809 1859) Chef de file de ceux que l’on désigne communément du nom de «petits romantiques français», boudé par le succès de son vivant, Pétrus Borel s’impose aujourd’hui comme l’un des écrivains les… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • BOREL (A.) — BOREL ARMAND (1923 ) Mathématicien suisse dont les travaux portent principalement sur la théorie des groupes de Lie et des groupes algébriques. Armand Borel a fait ses études supérieures à Zurich, mais sa carrière de chercheur a débuté à Paris,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Borel — (Pierre Joseph Borel d Hauterive, dit Pétrus) (1809 1859) écrivain français, chef de file des petits romantiques . Borel (émile) (1871 1956) mathématicien (calcul des probabilités) et homme politique français …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Borel — Bor el, n. See {Borrel}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Borel — Borel, Pierre, geb. 1620 in Languedoc, war königlich französischer Leibarzt u. st. 1678; er schr. u.a.: Antiquités de la ville de Castres en Albigeois, Par. 1649; u. Trésor des recherches et antiquités gauloises, 1655 …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Borel — Borel, 1) (spr. borell) Petrus (eigentl. Pierre B. d Hauterive), franz. Schriftsteller, geb. 28. Juni 1809 in Lyon, gest. 14. Juli 1859 in Algerien, machte sich durch seinen Übereifer für die Romantik sowie durch die absonderliche Kühnheit seiner …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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