2.7.1911 Bern/CH - 12.11.1979 Lausanne/CH
Théodore Bovet graduated in 1936 as a mechanical engineer from ETH Zurich and there continued as an assistant at the Institute of Hydraulic Machinery until 1939. He stayed for the next ten years with Atéliers des Charmilles in Geneva, from where he was appointed associate professor of hydraulics and hydraulic machinery, and in 1963 professor at Ecole Polytechnique et Universitaires de Lausanne EPUL, today's EPFL. He thus took the succession of Pierre Oguey (1900-1982) and Bovet was succeeded by Pierre Henry (1940-1994). Bovet retired in 1978.
Bovet contributed to the systematization of Francis turbines. In 1971 the universal EPFL turbine test stand was inaugurated based on Bovet's design. It counted to the most efficient and perfect experimental setups and allows the prediction of turbine efficiencies in prototype scale, as also the investigation of minor effects on turbine performance. This stand was supported both from the Swiss government and the Swiss industry in hydraulic machinery, notably from Bell, Charmilles, Escher-Wyss and Vevey turbine furnishers. In parallel, EPFL took over research activities in Switzerland, whereas ETH Zurich specialized in other branches. Bovet model-tested the large Francis turbines of the La Grande 2 and 3 complexes in Canada, and the Itaipu hydropower scheme in Brazil. Besides, Bovet was a consultant all through his career for Charmilles SA and had a permanent seat within Grand Dixance power plant in the Valais. He was awarded a Medal from Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Anonymous (1974). Prof. T.F. Bovet. Persönlichkeiten Europas: 11. Iatas: Stansstad. P
Bovet, T. (1953). Influence de quelques facteurs économiques sur la construction actuelle des turbines hydrauliques en Europe. Publication du Centenaire de l'EPUL: 209-222.
Bovet, T. (1958). Contribution à l'étude du phénomène d'érosion par frottement dans le domaine des turbines hydrauliques. Bulletin Technique de la Suisse Romande 103(3): 37-49. Bovet, T. (1963). Contribution à l'étude du tracé d'aubage d'une turbine à réaction du type Francis. Informations Techniques Charmilles 9: 47-70.
Bovet, T., Henry, P. (1970). Le nouveau stand d'essai universel pour machines hydrauliques à réaction. Institut des Machines Hydrauliques Publication 6. EPFL: Lausanne.
Keller, W. (1953). Bovet, Théodore. Schweizer Biographisches Archiv 2: 22. P
Poggendorff, J.C. (1953). Bovet, Théodore. Biographisch-Literarisches Handwörterbuch 7a: 242; 8: 497-498. Akademie-Verlag: Leipzig, Berlin, with bibliography.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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