2.5.1880 Liptovskom/SK - 28.10.1952 Ljubljana/SI
Štefan Vladimir Bella graduated as a civil engineer from the Budapest Technical University in 1902. He then moved as a practicing engineer to Prague and from there in 1904 to Chorvátska in Croatia where he was involved in melioration works. Bella was appointed in 1921 professor of hydraulic structures at the University of Zagreb. From there, he moved in 1938 in the same position to the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. He was in parallel in charge of irrigation and drainage works and involved in consulting, therefore. Bella was elected Member of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences in 1952, shortly before passing away.
Bella contributed to the water plan in Slovenja after World War II and initiated the modern exploition of hydropower in the former State of the Yugoslavian Republic. He was able to erect a small hydraulic laboratory at the Ljubljana University and there tested his designs and used the facility for supporting the teaching activities in hydraulic engineering. Bella's technical writings covered the hydraulic problems of Slovenia, the computation of water supply schemes for larger cities, and the development of methods for sewers design and sewage treatment. His successor Mladen Žugaj (1915-2003) consolidated these developments and developed the Slovenian Republic to the leading State of former Yugoslavia in hydraulics. Bella published a number of books mainly in the topics previously mentioned as also in drainage engineering. He was one of the few authors that left technical writings in Slovenia shortly after World War II, when his country suffered from the damages and developments were mainly in the main infrastructure and less in educational domains. He may be therefore considered a hydraulic pioneer for his country.
Anonymous (2005). Štefan Vladimir Bella. P
Bella, Š.V. (1936). Melioracija tla. Lesnik: Jastrebarsko.
Bella, Š. (1943). Meliorácie pôdy s pôdoznalectvom. Bratislava. Bella, Š. (1945). Stavba vodných ciest a prístavov. SVŠT: Bratislava. Bella, Š. (1950). Rybnikárstvo na Slovensku. Práca: Bratislava. Bella, Š. (1952). Umelé vodné cesty. SVŠT: Bratislava.
Bella, Š. (1953). Boj o vodu a s vodou. SVTL: Bratislava. Bella, Š. (1956). Boj o vodu a s vodou. SVTL: Bratislava.

Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.

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