- CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals)\22.6.1899 Ždírce/CR - 22.11.1966 Brno/CR\Alois Bratránek was a founder and a pioneer in the Czech hydrology. He graduated in 1922 from the Czech Technical University VUT in Brno as a civil engineer and there gained in 1925 also the PhD title involving the economical design of penstocks in hydropower stations. He joined in 1926 the Czech State Hydrologic Institute, the later Prague Water Resources Research Institute VUV and there stayed all through his professional career eventually as the head of its hydrological section. Bratránek was a Reader from 1938 in hydrology and he was awarded the Dr.sc. title in 1956. In parallel he was a Lecturer of the Faculty of Geology at Karlovy University.\Bratránek contributed to the main issues in modern hydrology with more than 200 studies. These include research papers and consulting work for the Czechoslovakian authorities for a number of catchments on his country. The hydrological topics cover the sphere of the surface water hydrology connected with the design and the operation of most reservoirs in Czechoslovakia. He was therefore also a Member of the International Commissions for the regulation of the Danube and Morava Rivers. In research, Bratránek took interest in the hydrologic regimes of the great Czechoslovakian rivers and the rainfall distribution over the country. He also presented studies towards the planning of the Czechoslovakian water resources as a basis for further hydraulic works. His papers were published in the Slovakian journals Vodohospodársky Časopis and in the Reports of the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences in Brno.\Bratránek, A. (1939). Vytvoření průtokové vlny při spouštĕní stavidel na přepadu údolní přehrady. Ústavy hydrologický a hydrotechnický v praze Práce a Studie 34. Praha.Bratránek, A. (1956). Vliv manipulace s hradicími telesy na prelivech na odtok vody pod prehradou. Praha.Bratránek, A. (1961). The course of temperature in rivers and its changes by the water management. Praha (in Czech).Bratránek, A. (1962). Dlouhodobé predpovedi prútokú na tocích a jejich význam pro hospodárný provoz vodních del. Praha.Bratránek, A. (1964). Research of hydrological characteristics with regard to possibilities of water supply. Praha (in Czech).Bratránek, A. (1965). The solar activity and its effect on fluctuations of hydrological phenomena. Praha (in Czech).Knĕžek, M. (1967), Doc. Ing. Dr. Alois Bratránek Drsc. Vodohospodársky Časopis 15(1): 3-4. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.