- CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals)\11.10.1902 Uhlířské Janovice/CR - 1.10.1977 Bratislava/SK\Oto Dub graduated in 1926 from the Czech Technical University in Prague CVUT. After a two years' stay at the Ministry of Public Works in Prague, he moved to Bratislava for the rest of his career. After 10 years at the Slovak branch of the Ministry he moved to the Hydrometeorological Institute from 1939 to 1941. From 1945 Dub was the section head of the Slovak technical government office and from 1946 to 1951, he directed the Hydrological Institute. In 1951, Dub took over as professor at the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava SVST thereby heading its irrigation and drainage institute until 1967. Simultaneously, he directed the Water Resources Institute VUVH from 1951 to 1952 and then the Slovak Academy Institute of Hydrology and Hydraulics VUHH-SAV until 1963. Dub gained his PhD in 1950, and the Dr.sc. title in 1955; from then he was an academician of the Slovak Academy of Sciences SAV and in 1961 of the Czechoslovak Academy CSAV.\Dub was the “father” of the modern hydrology in Slovakia because he was active in techniques of hydrometry and statistical methods in hydrology; he laid the foundations for the national water resources planning in Slovakia and collected the hydrological data for all major hydraulic engineering projects in his country. Dub has published a number of books in this field which were directed to both the education of students and to designers. His last work relates to questions of meteorology and of climatology. Dub was also active in the political and scientific organizations in Slovakia and he had been jailed from 1941 to 1944 for his antifascist activities. Dub was further instrumental in the international organizations IAHS and the UNESCO hydrological decade, where he chaired the national committee, and for 15 years was the editor of the Water Resources Journal SAV. He was awarded numerous state honors and prizes.\Dub, O. (1940). Režim velkých vôd na malých tokoch. Štátny ústav meteorologický. Bratislava. Dub, O. (1955). Všeobecná hydrológia Slovenska. SVTL, Bratislava. Dub, O. (1960). Příodní poměry Československa. Praha.Dub, O. (1963). Hydrológia, hydrometria, hydrografia. SVTL: Bratislava. Dub, O. (1965). Vodné hospodárstvo. SVTL: Bratislava.Dub, O., Tresová, A. (1966). Povrchový odtok. SNTL: Bratislava.Dub, O., Němec, J. (1969). Hydrologie. Technický průvodce, svazek 24. SNTL: Bratislava. Dub, O. (1978). Základy meteorológie a klimatológie. SNTL: Bratislava.Novak, P. (2005). Oto Dub. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.