- CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals)\6.12.1925 Ráztočno/SK - 6.8.1992 Bratislava/SK\Ernest Mäsiar graduated from the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava SVST in 1950 and worked as an assistant at the university until 1953 when he joined the Institute of Hydrology and Hydraulics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences UHH-SAV. He there eventually became its director in 1963. From 1973 he worked as a professor of hydraulic engineering at the Technical University SVST in Bratislava. Mäsiar was awarded the titles of PhD in 1957 and Dr.sc. in 1968.\Mäsiar was active in research mainly on topics connected with the inland navigation and the design of filling systems of large navigation locks. Also he was interested in the turbulence characteristics of open channel flow. He was active in the Slovak Academy as a Council Member and he acted as first deputy of its secretary from 1970 to 1974. Mäsiar was also the Dean of the SVST civil engineering faculty from 1973 to 1980. He received a number of honors from the Slovak Academy and the University in addition to state prizes. His publications are mainly written in Slovak.\Dzubák, M. (1985). K šestdesiatinám člena korešpondenta SAV Ernesta Mäsiara. Vodohospodársky Časopis 33(6): 664-665. PMäsiar, E. (1958). Hydraulika rozdélovacích systémov plavebných komôr. Vydavateĺstvo SAV: Bratislava.Mäsiar, E. (1961). O niektorých spôsoboch zvýšenia dopravnej výkonnosti vodnej cesty. SAV: Bratislava.Mäsiar, E. (1973). Vertzical distribution of the correlation coefficient and geometrical scales of turbulence in an open channel. Journal of Hydraulic Research 11(3): 265-280. Mäsiar, E., Kamenský, J. (1975). Výskum priečnych rýchlostí v zákrutách otvorených korýt.STU: Bratislava. Mäsiar, E. (1979). Úvod do vodohospodárskeho inžinierstva. STU: Bratislava. Mäsiar, E., Kamenský, J. (1983). Hydraulika podzemných vôd. STU, Bratislava. Mäsiar, E., Kamenský, J. (1985). Hydraulika pre stavebných inžinierov I —Objekty a potrubia.ALFA - vydavateĺstvo technickej a ekonomickej literatury. ALFA: Bratislava. Mäsiar, E. (1988). Hydraulický a hydrotechnický výskum. STU: Bratislava. Mäsiar, E., Kamenský, J. (1989). Hydraulika pre stavebných inžinierov I - Prúdenie v korytách a pórovitom prostredí. ALFA: Bratislava.Novak, P. (2005). Ernest Mäsiar. Personal communication. P
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.