- CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals)\13.12.1924 Ostrava/CR - 22.6.1988 Praha/CR\Rados Smutek graduated in civil engineering from the Technical University in Brno VUT in 1949 and gained his PhD in 1953 form the Czech Technical University CVUT in Prague, when starting work at today's Institute of Hydrodynamics of the Czech Academy of Sciences UH-CAV and where he continued until his death in 1988. During the years 1968-1974 he acted as the Institute Director.\Smutek's main research topics were the flow of density currents and mathematical and experimental studies on turbulence where he made significant contributions to the methods of measurement and the statistical analysis of data. His early researches led Smutek to the prediction of wind induced flows as may occur in large rivers and particularly in lakes. Rivers took his attention also relative to the analysis of the macro-turbulence set up by the roughness pattern of the river bed. His last research topic dealt with computational methods applied to the thermal stratification in shallow reservoirs under the action of wind. The majority of Smutek's publications were published in the Vodohospodarsky casopis CAV in Czech, the Water Resources Journal of the Academy of Sciences, but he also took an active part in the Discussions of the ASCE Journals.\Jezdinský, V., Čakrt, J., Rudiš, M., Smutek, R. (1967). Macroturbulence measurements in natural streams. 12 IAHR Congress Fort Collins 2(28): 323-332.Kafková, D., Smutek, R. (1983). Mathematical modelling of wind induced flow. 20 IAHR Congress Moscow 4: 113-122.Novak, P. (2005). Rados Smutek. Personal communication. PRudiš, M., Smutek, R. (1966). Relation between turbulence characteristics and the hydraulic parameters of the shear flow. Acta technica 11: 310-338.Smutek, R. (1955). Výzkum proudůkapaliny různé teploty. Rozpravy ČSAV, řada TV, 4.ČSAV: Praha. Smutek, R. (1966). The influence of the suppression of higher frequencies on the statistical characteristics of the turbulence. Vodohospodářský Časopis 14: 32-45 (in Czech). Smutek, R. (1966). Correlation of the longitudinal and vertical velocity components fluctuations in the stream with a free surface. Vodohospodářský Časopis 14: 448-459 (in Czech). Smutek, R. (1969). Determination of corrections of velocity fluctuations measurements with suppression of higher frequencies. Vodohospodářský Časopis 17: 346-356 (in Czech). Smutek, R. (1979). Charakter vztahu mezi Eulerovými a Lagrangeovými integrálními měřítky turbulence v proudu s rychlostním gradientem (Character of relation between Eulerian and Lagrangeian macroscales of turbulence). Vodohospodářský Časopis 27: 488-503.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.