- CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals)\31.3.1930 Bratislava/CR - 7.6.1999 Bratislava/SK\Jaroslav Sumbal graduated in civil engineering from the Slovak Technical University SVST Bratislava, and from 1953 to 1997 worked in the Water Research Institute VUVH in Bratislava. From 1981 to 1986 he was a hydraulics lecturer in Algeria at the Technical Universities of Algers INA, and Batna, where he designed its hydraulic laboratory. Sumbal was awarded the degree of Candidate of Sciences - equivalent to the PhD title - and a Czechoslovak National Prize in 1980. Most of Sumbal's papers appeared in the Prače e Studie Series of VUVH.\Sumbal was an expert in fluvial hydraulics and contributed significantly to hydraulic research and its applications in hydraulic structures, such as in Samara, Iraq, and particularly to the Gabcikovo dam on the Danube River. The Gabcikovo Dam project was initiated in 1977 with an international treaty between Hungary and the former Czechoslovakia to dam the Danube River from Bratislava to Budapest. In 1989, Hungary unilaterally suspended these works citing unspecified ecological concerns. Czechoslovakia did not conclude the dispute with Hungary and the International Court of Justice was called as an arbitrator in 1993. The project, if completed, would lessen both countries' reliance on fossil fuel and nuclear energy. Slovakia completed the project in a reduced form to meet its energy requirements. The Gabcikovo Case is one of the most important European hydroelectric projects not yet completely solved mainly because of environmental concerns. Sumbal also contributed to both sediment transport and deposition of suspended sediment by using aerodynamic models. His results were mainly published in the reports of the Bratislava hydraulic laboratory VUVH.\Komora, J., Sumbal, J. (1965). Etude sur les modèles aérodynamiques et la sédimentation des débits solides en suspension dans les retenues. La Houille Blanche 20(2): 149-158.Novak, P. (2004). Jaroslav Sumbal. Personal communication. PSumbal, J. (1964). Les considérations sur la possibilité d'application d'un modèle aérodynamique pour la recherche directe de la sédimentation des suspensions dans les retenues. Vodohospodarsky casopis SAV Bratislava (1).Sumbal, J., Komora, J. (1967). Determination of the tangential stress acting on the ice cover in a rectangular flume. 12 IAHR Congress Fort Collins 4: 255-259.Sumbal, J. (1978). Modélisation de la qualité de l'eau du cycle hydrologique. Symposium Baden, Austria, IAHR Publication 125. IAHR: Delft.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.