- RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals)\24.6.1921/RU - 25.1.1975 Leningrad/RU\Grigory Abramovich Yuditsky graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute as a civil engineer in 1951 and there submitted a PhD thesis in 1958. He was a senior scientific collaborator there from 1963 and was awarded in 1967 the title Doctor of Technical Sciences. He stayed all through his career with the Leningrad Hydraulic Institute VNIIG but passed away for unknown reasons at age 54.\During his career as a hydraulic engineer, Yuditsky was involved in the design of the Krasnoyarsk, the Novosibirsk and the Dnieprozherjinsk hydropower plants. Later he developed into an expert for pressure fluctuations related to hydraulic structures. His findings were applied to define the slab thickness of stilling basins as used downstream of high-head dams. Maximum pressure fluctuations may become almost as large as the velocity head of the oncoming flow, such that the application of standard stilling basins is limited to approach flow velocities of some 20 m/s. He also investigated the forces exerted on riprap elements, on baffle blocks or on flow deflectors. He further took interest in scour phenomena as occur with hydraulic structures. These have to be carefully assessed when using for instance ski jump energy dissipators, the alternative to hydraulic jump basins for approach flow velocities in excess of the previously mentioned 20 m/s. Failures due to undermining have often occurred in the past and must be avoided with a thorough design. All through his career, Yuditsky collaborated with Fedor Grigorevich Gunko (1911-1990), the head of the VNIIG Laboratory from the 1960s.\Melua, A.I. (2001). Yuditsky, Grigory Abramovich. Energetics of Russia: 430. Humanistica: Moscow, Saint Petersburg (in Russian). PGunko, F.G., Burkov, A.F., Isachenko, N.B., Rubinshtein, G.L., Soloviova, A.G., Yuditsky, G.A. (1965). Research on the hydraulic regime and local scour of river bed below spillways of high head dams. 11 IAHR Congress Leningrad 1(50): 1-14.Yuditsky, G.A. (1957). Détermination des pulsations des forces sur les dissipateurs d'énergie des barrages déversoirs. Gozenergoizdat: Leningrad (in Russian).Yuditsky, G.A. (1961). Actual pressures on a channel bed below high dams with flip buckets. Izvestiya VNIIG 67 (in Russian).Yuditsky, G.A. (1965). Erosion par cavitation des dissipateurs d'énergie des barrages-déversoirs et les mesures de son élimination. 9 IAHR Congress Leningrad 1(8): 1-12.Yuditsky, G.A. (1969). Experimental prediction of rock bed scour downstream from a ski-jump spillway. Izvestiya VNIIG 91: 84-93.
Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000 . 2013.